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Blinn College to Texas Woman's University Co-Enrollment Steps to Apply

  1. Apply to Blinn College through Apply Texas
  2. Request an audition through either the Blinn College Music Program or Texas Woman’s Program (TWU Music Auditions), indicating desire to participate in the Blinn-TWU Co-Enrolled Degree.
  3. Submit completed FAFSA to both institutions. FAFSA Application
  4. Apply for music scholarships through Blinn College
  5. If accepted, both through Apply Texas and Music Department Audition (reviewed by both institutions), follow all steps towards successful on-boarding and enrollment. Blinn Admissions Steps, TWU Admission Steps
  6. During each academic semester, a student’s academic and musical progress will be monitored by both institutions to maintain status in the degree plan.
  7. A successful placement audition during either semester 3 or 4 will be required to complete consideration for transfer to Texas Woman’s University.